
For Eternal Beginners

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भयात् रणात् उपरतम् मन्यन्ते त्वाम् महारथाः ।
येषाम् च त्वम् बहुमतो भूत्वा यास्यसि लाघवम् ॥ ३५ ॥

bhayAt raNAt uparatam manyante tvAm mahArathAH |
yeSAm ca tvam bahumato bhUtvA yAsyasi lAghavam || 35 ||

महारथाः [mahArathAH] Great leaders मन्यन्ते [manyante] would be of the opinion that त्वाम् [tvAm] you रणात् उपरतम् [raNAt uparatam] turned back from war भयात् [bhayAt] due to fear. लाघवम् यास्यसि [lAghavam yAsyasi] You will earn disrepute येषाम् [yeSAm] among those whom त्वम् [tvam] you बहुमतः भूत्वा [bahumataH bhUtvA] hold in high esteem.

Great leaders like Karna and Duryodhana previously regarded you as a brave enemy. You will earn disrepute as a person who gave up and surrendered easily, when faced with this battle. Those great leaders will think of you as someone who stepped down from battle due to fear. To your valiant enemies, it will seem a fact that you retreated due to fear, rather than feelings of friendship towards your relatives.