
For Eternal Beginners

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दुःखेषु अनुद्विग्नमनाः सुखेषु विगतस्पृहः ।
वीत राग भय क्रोधः स्थितधीः मुनिरुच्यते ॥ ५६ ॥

duHkheSu anudvignamanAH sukheSu vigataspRhaH |
vIta rAga bhaya krodhaH sthitadhIH munirucyate || 56 ||

अनुद्विग्नमनाः [anudvignamanAH] A person whose mind is not agitated दुःखेषु [duHkheSu] during times of sorrow, विगतस्पृहः [vigataspRhaH] who is free from attachments सुखेषु [sukheSu] during times of happiness, वीत [vIta] who is free from the control of राग [rAga] desires, भय [bhaya] fear क्रोधः [krodhaH] and anger- मुनिः [muniH] Such a sage उच्यते [ucyate] is said to be स्थितधीः [sthitadhIH] situated firm in wisdom .

This person is not agitated and saddened when he is separated from something he likes. He is free from attachment even when he is with the things he likes.

He has let go of emotions, fear and anger: Desire takes control when we develop attachment towards something we do not have. Fear is the anticipation of losing our dear possessions or contacting something we dislike. Anger is a distortion in the mind that causes sorrow in another being, who is perceived to be the cause of undesirable things.

The person who has let go of these three and has trained his focus on the Self is said to be situated firm in wisdom .

Now the Lord describes the state previous to this one: