
For Eternal Beginners

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यततो ह्यापि कौन्तेय पुरुषस्य विपश्चितः ।
इन्द्रियाणि प्रमाथीनि हरन्ति प्रसभम् मनः ॥ ६० ॥

yatato hyApi kaunteya puruSasya vipazcitaH |
indriyANi pramAthIni haranti prasabham manaH || 60 ||

कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, अपि [api] even if विपश्चितः [vipazcitaH] a person who knows this यततः [yatataH] tries hard, पुरुषस्य [puruSasya] his प्रमाथीनि [pramAthIni] powerful इन्द्रियाणि [indriyANi] sense organs हरन्ति [haranti] will hijack मनः [manaH] his mind प्रसभम् [prasabham] by force.

Sensory desires won’t retreat until we see the Self. In the presence of these desires, their powerful influence abducts our sense organs by force. This happens even in those who have all the required knowledge and want to be engaged in realizing the Self.

Thus, mastery over the sense organs depends on realizing the Self. Realizing the Self requires mastery over the sense organs. In this cycle, obtaining the ultimate knowledge about the Self is very tough.