
For Eternal Beginners

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राग द्वेष वियुक्तैस्तु विषयान् इन्द्रियैश्चरन् ।
आत्मवश्यैर्विधेयात्मा प्रसदम् अधिगच्छति ॥ ६४ ॥

rAga dveSa viyuktaistu viSayAn indriyaizcaran |
AtmavazyairvidheyAtmA prasadam adhigacchati || 64 ||

तु [tu] On the other hand, विधेयात्मा [vidheyAtmA] a person who has conquered his mind विषयान् चरन् [viSayAn caran] deals with material objects इन्द्रियैः [indriyaiH] using organs राग द्वेष वियुक्तैः [rAga dveSa viyuktaiH] that are free from desire and hatred. आत्मवश्यैः [AtmavazyaiH] This person keeps his organs under his control. अधिगच्छति [adhigacchati] Such a person attains प्रसदम् [prasadam] tranquility.

The Lord continues - As I said before, I am a very favorable refuge for all conscious beings. A person places his mind in my refuge and is liberated from all faults, being free of desire and hatred. He deals with material objects using organs that are under control. That means he is present in this world while having no regard for material objects.

He conquers his mind and attains tranquility- the state where he has complete clarity of thought.