
For Eternal Beginners

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या निशा सर्वभूतानाम् तस्याम् जागर्ति सम्यमी ।
यस्याम् जाग्रति भूतानि सा निशा पश्यतो मुनेः ॥ ६९ ॥

yA nizA sarvabhUtAnAm tasyAm jAgarti samyamI |
yasyAm jAgrati bhUtAni sA nizA pazyato muneH || 69 ||

सम्यमी [samyamI] A person with control over his organs जागर्ति [jAgarti] is awake या निशा तस्याम् [yA nizA tasyAm] in the space that’s dark सर्वभूतानाम् [sarvabhUtAnAm] for all beings. यस्याम् [yasyAm] The space in which भूतानि [bhUtAni] ordinary beings जाग्रति [jAgrati] are awake, सा निशा [sA nizA] it is dark पश्यतो मुनेः [pazyato muneH] for a virtuous person intent on realizing the Self.

‘The space that’s dark for all beings’- The ‘space’ is the knowledge of the Self. In that space, all beings are in the dark. When it comes to the knowledge of the Self, only the person having control over his organs and focus in his mind is awake- meaning he realizes the Self.

‘The space in which ordinary beings are awake’- This space has the awareness of stimuli such as sound and light, in which all beings become alert. For the focused person who has realized the Self, these stimuli look like darkness.