
For Eternal Beginners

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आपूर्यमाणम् अचलप्रतिष्ठम्
समुद्रम् आपः प्रविशन्ति यद्वत् ।
तद्वत् कामा यम् प्रविशन्ति सर्वे
स शान्तिम् आप्नोति न काम कामी ॥ ७० ॥

ApUryamANam acalapratiSTham
samudram ApaH pravizanti yadvat |
tadvat kAmA yam pravizanti sarve
sa zAntim Apnoti na kAma kAmI || 70 ||

यद्वत् [yadvat] The manner in which आपः [ApaH] waters प्रविशन्ति [pravizanti] enter समुद्रम् [samudram] the ocean, आपूर्यमाणम् [ApUryamANam] which is complete by itself अचल प्रतिष्ठम् [acala pratiSTham] and stands unmoved - यम् [yam] the person, whom सर्वे कामाः [sarve kAmAH] all desires प्रविशन्ति [pravizanti] enter तद्वत् [tadvat] in the same manner सः शान्तिम् आप्नोति [saH zAntim Apnoti] will attain peace, न काम कामी [na kAma kAmI] not the person who is driven by desire for sensory enjoyments.

The waters of many rivers enter the ocean, which remains whole and complete by itself. The ocean stays the same. It does not make any special difference to the ocean, whether a river joins it or not.

In the same manner, all desires enter a person who has control over his organs. For him, the effect of sensory perceptions such as sound will remain in the sense organs themselves. Such a person, who remains satisfied in the realization of his Self alone, who is not agitated by the presence of sensual perceptions or the lack of them- he alone attains peace. Not the person who is driven by desire.

A person who is under the control of sensory perceptions isn’t going to attain peace.