
For Eternal Beginners

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विहाय कामान् यः सर्वान् पुमान्श्चरति निस्पृहः ।
निर्ममो निरहङ्कारः स शान्तिम् अधिगच्छति ॥ ७१ ॥

vihAya kAmAn yaH sarvAn pumAnzcarati nispRhaH |
nirmamo nirahaGkAraH sa zAntim adhigacchati || 71 ||

यः पुमान् [yaH pumAn] The person who सर्वान् कामान् विहाय [sarvAn kAmAn vihAya] frees himself of all desires चरति [carati] and goes about his actions निस्पृहः [nispRhaH] without attachments, निर्ममः [nirmamaH] without the feeling of ‘this is mine’, निरहङ्कारः [nirahaGkAraH] without feeling that the body is the Self- सः [saH] this person शान्तिम् अधिगच्छति [zAntim adhigacchati] attains peace.

‘Desires’ are sensory perceptions that we crave for - perceptions such as sound and taste. The person who goes about his actions and frees himself of all such cravings shall see his Self and attain peace. He does not get attached to any material experiences and doesn’t have a feeling of ‘this is mine’ towards them. He does not regard something that is not the Self as the Self - he is not under the misconception that his body is his Self.