
For Eternal Beginners

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इष्टान् भोगान् हि वो देवा दास्यन्ते यज्ञभाविताः ।
तैर्दत्तानप्रदायैभ्यो यो भुङ्क्ते स्तेन एव सः ॥ १२ ॥

iSTAn bhogAn hi vo devA dAsyante yajJabhAvitAH |
tairdattAnapradAyaibhyo yo bhuGkte stena eva saH || 12 ||

यज्ञभाविताः [yajJabhAvitAH] Pleased by worship, देवाः [devAH] the gods दास्यन्ते हि [dAsyante hi] will eventually give वः [vaH] you इष्टान् भोगान् [iSTAn bhogAn] the enjoyment you wish for. यः [yaH] The person who भुंक्ते [bhuMkte] enjoys तैः दत्तान् [taiH dattAn] the benefits given by them एभ्यः अप्रदाय [ebhyaH apradAya] without giving it back सः स्तेन एव [saH stena eva] is definitely a thief.

‘Pleased by worship’- Being adored through worship performed previously, the gods , in whom I am present, will give you the enjoyment you wish for- That enjoyment, which is wished by people who strive for the ultimate goal of moksha . They fulfil your expectations for the worship you perform.

The person who employs the expected outcomes for pleasing himself is indeed a thief. Such a person considers them his own and avoids giving anything back. Considering something that belongs to someone else as our own is called theft.

If we keep being possessive about things that are meant for someone else, we’d be unfit to attain the ultimate goal. We would end up suffering guilt as well.

This is elaborated in the following Shloka: