
For Eternal Beginners

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यज्ञशिष्टाशिनः सन्तो मुच्यन्ते सर्वकिल्बिषैः ।
ते त्वघम् भुन्जते पापा यो पचन्ति आत्मकारणात् ॥ १३ ॥

yajJaziSTAzinaH santo mucyante sarvakilbiSaiH |
te tvagham bhunjate pApA yo pacanti AtmakAraNAt || 13 ||

सन्तः [santaH] Virtuous people यज्ञशिष्टाशिनः [yajJaziSTAzinaH] who consume the balance that remains from worship मुच्यन्ते [mucyante] get free of सर्व किल्भिषैः [sarva kilbhiSaiH] all faults. यो पापाः [yo pApAH] The kleptomaniacs who पचन्ति [pacanti] enjoy the outcomes आत्मकारणात् [AtmakAraNAt] for their own sake ते तु अघम् भुन्जते [te tu agham bhunjate] beget nothing but misfortune.

When you acquire wealth solely for the worship of the Supreme Lord who pervades the Self in every one, you make the wealth bear fruit. You worship the Lord with it and exist in your body using the balance that remains from worship. You get freedom from all faults that you’ve collected over an infinite period of time, which stop you from realizing the true nature of your Self.

Wealth is given by the all-pervading Lord to perform His worship. Those who consider it their own and consume it for their own benefit are kleptomaniacs. They beget misfortune and are turned away from realizing the Self.

Everything happens for the Lord’s worship.

In the following Shlokas, the Lord illustrates that ‘worship’ is the root of all prosperity in this world, both from the worldly point of view and from the point of view of the scriptures. Hence, He says, it is necessary to perform worship and it’s a mistake not to perform it.