
For Eternal Beginners

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कर्मण्यैव सम्सिद्धिम् आस्थिता जनकादयः ।

karmaNyaiva samsiddhim AsthitA janakAdayaH |

जनकादयः [janakAdayaH] Janaka and others आस्थिताः [AsthitAH] have obtained सम्सिद्धिम् [samsiddhim] the realization of the Self कर्मण्यैव [karmaNyaiva] by performing actions without attachments towards outcomes.

Even those who are able to contemplate on the Self find that activity is the preferred way to realize the Self. Due to this, even great and knowledgeable persons like Janaka chose the path of action and realized the Self.

To realize the Self, we saw that a person who is not directly eligible to pursue the Self intellectually must work without attachment towards outcomes . Then, we saw that such work is better even for someone who is directly eligible to pursue the Self intellectually. Now, the Lord says that even for the rest, it is appropriate that they work without attachment.