
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रकृतेः गुणसम्मूढाः सज्जन्ते गुणकर्मसु ।
तान् अकृत्स्न विदो मन्दण् कृत्स्नवित् न विचालयेत् ॥ २९ ॥

prakRteH guNasammUDhAH sajjante guNakarmasu |
tAn akRtsna vido mandaN kRtsnavit na vicAlayet || 29 ||

अकृत्स्नविदो मन्दान् [akRtsnavido mandAn] People without complete knowledge of the Self गुणसम्मूढाः [guNasammUDhAH] are deluded under the influence of the three qualities . गुणकर्मसु सज्जन्ते [guNakarmasu sajjante] They are attached to actions, which are an effect of the association with those qualities. कृत्स्नवित् [kRtsnavit] A person who knows तान् न विचालयेत् [tAn na vicAlayet] must not mislead them.

Without complete knowledge, those who set out to realize the Self are still mixed up with the environment. Being confused by the qualities of the environment , they are attached to activities linked to these qualities. They don’t know the true form of the Self, as something that’s distinct from the environment. Hence, they are unable to pursue knowledge directly. They are qualified only to work without attachments .

If we know that the environment makes things happen, why should we involve in activity at all?

Those without complete knowledge are vulnerable. A person who is whole and complete must not mislead them. Being vulnerable, they follow someone superior. That person would have risen by working without attachment and would be beyond desires. Upon seeing his superiority, they may move on and deviate from their activity.

That’s why a person who realizes the nature of the Self, who is considered superior, must stay active - while practicing the fact that the Self doesn’t make things happen. This way, he demonstrates that the technique of working without attachment is a path by itself to realize the Self. He inspires those without complete knowledge to be active.

Even in the realization that the Self doesn’t make things happen, be active and inspire others.

It has been stated already (3-21) that the path of activity is the way to go, even for person who is capable of realizing the Self directly. Such a person must work without attachment for the benefit of the world.

The nature of the Self is different from any of the things we experience around us. With the knowledge of the Self, we realize that the three qualities make things happen . These happenings are not in the nature of the Self. Due to association with the three qualities , it has obtained a particular body that involves in making things happen .

In the next Shloka, it is stated that you must perform your activities while planting the responsibility of making things happen in Lord Krishna. The Self is like His body, being fully under His control. He is the true owner of the Self and everything else.