
For Eternal Beginners

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ये मे मतमिदम् नित्यम् अनुतिष्टन्ति मानवाः ।
श्रद्धावन्तः अनसूयन्तः मुच्यन्ते ते अपि कर्मभिः ॥ ३१ ॥

ye me matamidam nityam anutiSTanti mAnavAH |
zraddhAvantaH anasUyantaH mucyante te api karmabhiH || 31 ||

ये मानवाः [ye mAnavAH] People who नित्यम् अनुतिष्टन्ति [nityam anutiSTanti] constantly practice इदम् मे मतम् [idam me matam] this principle of mine , श्रद्धावन्तः [zraddhAvantaH] those who believe in it, अनसूयन्तः [anasUyantaH] and those who do not find fault in this principle - ते अपि [te api] all of them कर्मभिः मुच्यन्ते [karmabhiH mucyante] will be free from the influence of their actions.

We are bound to our limitations due to actions we’ve committed since eternity.

Even if we don’t live this all the time, it is still sufficient to simply accept His existence.

There are people who master the scriptures and recognize that My principle is their essence. They practice My principle diligently and will be free of all this bondage. Others who believe in this principle but don’t practice it will be free as well. Yet others who do not resent and find fault in this principle will also be free.

The phrase ‘all of them’ in this Shloka signifies that they are all different types of people – those who practice, those who simply believe and those who don’t resent. All of them will lose their misfortune and will end up practicing this principle soon. They all attain moksha .

In the next Shloka, The Lord explains the flaw in those who resent The Lord’s principle , do not believe in it and those who have no intention of following it.