
For Eternal Beginners

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ये तु एतत् अभ्यसूयन्ते नानुतिष्ठन्ति मे मतम् ।
सर्वज्ञान विमूढान् तान् विद्धि नष्टान् अचेतसः ॥ ३२ ॥

ye tu etat abhyasUyante nAnutiSThanti me matam |
sarvajJAna vimUDhAn tAn viddhi naSTAn acetasaH || 32 ||

ये तु [ye tu] On the other hand, those who अभ्यसूयन्ते [abhyasUyante] resent एतत् [etat] this view, मे मतम् नानुथिष्ठन्ति [me matam nAnuthiSThanti] who do not follow My principle - तान् विद्धि [tAn viddhi] know them सर्वज्ञान विमूढान् [sarvajJAna vimUDhAn] to be ignorant of all knowledge. अचेथ्सः [acethsaH] They are lackluster characters, नष्टान् [naSTAn] who are eventually wasted away.

On the other hand, there are people who do not believe that everyone’s Self is subordinate to Me; they don’t believe that their Self is like My body. There are those who do not believe that I am the basis for their existence and deny that I am the ultimate cause of everything. People who do not live in this context, who do not believe in it and resent this principle - know them to be ignorant of all knowledge. They are wasted. Intelligence and thought enable the recognition of things in their true form. Devoid of this, they are lackluster beings.

When you deny that The Lord is the basis of your existence, you live a myth.

For those of us who are bound to this world, the feeling of ‘I am the doer’ comes due to the predominance of the three qualities . Consider everything that happens to be at the disposition of The Lord and work without attachment to outcomes. This is easy and everyone is entitled to it.

Actions done in this way are free of fault and do not bind us. They have the true knowledge of the Self embedded in them. These actions don’t need the support of any other technique. This technique is recommended even to those who are capable of meditating on the Self. Other techniques will anyway require activity, since we are endowed with a body. Pure meditation that doesn’t involve any activity is not possible.

It was already stated that people who are famous must specially follow the technique of working without attachment . Next, in the remainder of this chapter, The Lord says that it isn’t possible to gain the knowledge of the Self in any other way. Any technique that avoids activity is ridden with flaws.