
For Eternal Beginners

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इन्द्रियस्य इन्द्रियस्यार्थे राग द्वेषौ व्यवस्थितौ ।
तयोर्न वशम् आगच्छेत् तौ हि अस्य परिपाथिनौ ॥ ३४ ॥

indriyasya indriyasyArthe rAga dveSau vyavasthitau |
tayorna vazam Agacchet tau hi asya paripAthinau || 34 ||

राग द्वेषौ [rAga dveSau] Attachment and hatred व्यवस्थितौ [vyavasthitau] are an inseparable part of इन्द्रियस्य [indriyasya] the sense organs, इन्द्रियस्यार्थे [indriyasyArthe] when they are among sensory stimuli, like sights and sounds. तयोः वशम् न आगच्छेत् [tayoH vazam na Agacchet] Do not come under their control, तौ हि [tau hi] since they अस्य परिपाथिनौ [asya paripAthinau] are the downfall of a person.

Sound, touch and other stimuli bring awareness by activating the senses. Organs of activity give us the experience of doing- for example, the organs of speech give us the experience of speaking. The craving to experience them is desire, which is inevitable. This ‘craving’ is a result of the influence of our deeds committed since ancient times.

When the desired experience is blocked, it inevitably results in ill-feelings like hatred. Desire and hatred together bring us under their control. They use us to achieve their effects, even if we have embarked on the journey to realize the Self, even if we have restrained our sense organs. Once under their control, we divert from the path of realizing the Self and will be destroyed.

Even when you believe in the Lord, desire and hatred are inevitable. Beware of them.

Once you have started on the path to realize your Self, do not get destroyed by desire and hatred. So, beware of desire and hatred- enemies that are very difficult to conquer; they can derail your practice.