
For Eternal Beginners

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न कर्मणाम् अनारम्भात् नैष्कर्म्यम् पुरुषोऽश्नुते ।
न च संन्यसनादेव सिद्धिम् समधिगच्छति ॥ ४ ॥

na karmaNAm anArambhAt naiSkarmyam puruSo'znute |
na ca saMnyasanAdeva siddhim samadhigacchati || 4 ||

कर्मणाम् अनारम्भात् [karmaNAm anArambhAt] By avoiding the initiation of actions, पुरुषः [puruSaH] A person न अश्नुते [na aznute] will not attain नैष्कर्म्यम् [naiSkarmyam] freedom from the influence of his deeds. संन्यसनात् एव च [saMnyasanAt eva ca] Moreover, just by renunciation of the actions he has begun, न समधिगच्छति [na samadhigacchati] one does not attain सिद्धिम् [siddhim] the goal of moksha .

If you just avoid initiating the work that you need to do, you do not attain freedom from the influence of your deeds- meaning, you wouldn’t qualify to focus your thought on the Self. You wouldn’t qualify by abandoning the activity that you’ve started, either.

Liberation is achieved by performing actions as worship to the Supreme Lord, without being driven by desire for outcomes.

Without such actions, you will not reach the goal of moksha . When you don’t worship Lord Govinda with actions that are free from desire, the influence of your activity shackles you. These shackles accumulate indefinitely over time. You would not let go of your flaws, you wouldn’t rid your organs of agitation and you would not qualify to focus your thought on the Self.

This idea is elaborated in the next Shloka: