
For Eternal Beginners

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तस्मात् त्वम् इन्द्रियाण्यादौ नियम्य भरतर्षभ ।
पाप्मानम् प्रजहि ह्येनम् ज्ञानविज्ञान नाशनम् ॥ ४१ ॥

tasmAt tvam indriyANyAdau niyamya bharatarSabha |
pApmAnam prajahi hyenam jJAnavijJAna nAzanam || 41 ||

भरतर्षभ [bharatarSabha] Arjuna, तस्मात् [tasmAt] thus, आदौ [Adau] at the beginning of your enterprise, त्वम् इन्द्रियाणि नियम्य [tvam indriyANi niyamya] establish control over your organs. प्रजहि [prajahi] Get rid of एनम् [enam] this source of wrong-doing, ज्ञानविज्ञान नशनम् [jJAnavijJAna nazanam] which is responsible for hiding the knowledge of the Self and the realization of its true nature.

For a person who intends to realize the Self by meditation, this enemy called desire makes him turn towards worldly attractions. It makes him turn away from the Self. Due to the nature of your association with this world, you are still inclined towards the activities of your sense organs. Hence, bind your organs to work without desire for outcomes – right at the beginning of your quest to realize the Self and attain moksha .

Abandon desire in this way. Otherwise it will destroy knowledge, wisdom and the realization of the true nature of the Self.

In the next Shloka, the Lord explains the main obstacles to realize the Self.