
For Eternal Beginners

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यज्ञार्थात् कर्मणोऽन्यत्र लोकोऽयम् कर्म बन्धनः ।
तदर्थम् कर्म कौन्तेय मुक्त सङ्गः समाचर ॥ ९ ॥

yajJArthAt karmaNo'nyatra loko'yam karma bandhanaH |
tadartham karma kaunteya mukta saGgaH samAcara || 9 ||

कर्मणः [karmaNaH] Other than actions यज्ञार्थात् [yajJArthAt] done for the purpose of worship, अन्यत्र [anyatra] all other actions कर्म बन्धनः [karma bandhanaH] are limiting (binding) in nature अयम् लोकः [ayam lokaH] for the people of this world. कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, समाचर [samAcara] perform कर्म [karma] actions तदर्थम् [tadartham] for the sake of worship, मुक्त सङ्गः [mukta saGgaH] being free from all attachments and addictions.

It’s true that activity needs a purpose. Make the Lord’s worship as your purpose.

The word ‘yajna’ is the procedure of ‘worship’. To worship is ‘to adore’ and ‘revere’. The Lord is to be adored and revered by any procedure. Anything else that is adored and revered is a part of Him. Working with such adoration is called ‘worship’.

Work and prosper to worship – this method makes the Lord as the purpose of all your activities. As opposed to this, actions done solely for personal gratification will bind and limit a person in this world.

Hence, work and prosper for the purpose of worship. In this process, be free of the attachment that results from doing things for personal gratification. When you work to worship the Lord, you are free from attachment and the Lord is gratified with your actions. He will free you from the influence of endless actions committed over time and grant you the realization of the Self and freedom from agitation.

The following Shlokas state that you need to take nourishment from the balance that comes out of worship. Take care of your body with such nourishment and achieve your goals. Nurturing the body with things other than this balance is a mistake.