
For Eternal Beginners

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चातुर्वण्यम् मया सृष्टम् गुण कर्म विभागशः ।
तस्य कर्तारम् अपि माम् विद्धि अकर्तारम् अव्ययम् ॥ १३ ॥

cAturvaNyam mayA sRSTam guNa karma vibhAgazaH |
tasya kartAram api mAm viddhi akartAram avyayam || 13 ||

चातुर्वर्ण्यम् [cAturvarNyam] The four characteristics मया सृष्टम् [mayA sRSTam] were created by Me, विभागशः [vibhAgazaH] classifying गुन [guna] qualities कर्म [karma] and the associated work. विद्धि [viddhi] Know माम् [mAm] Me तस्य कर्तारम् [tasya kartAram] as the one who caused it. अपि अकर्तारम् [api akartAram] Even then, I am not the doer, अव्ययम् [avyayam] I remain unchanged.

The four characteristics- ब्राह्मण [brAhmaNa] spirituality, क्षत्रिय [kSatriya] administration, वैश्य [vaizya] trade, शूद्र [zUdra] service- are prominent in all beings, right from Lord Brahma down to the lowest germ in this world. This whole world was created by Me, going by the distribution of qualities (sattva, rajas and tamas) and the division of work according to the qualities.

The verb ‘create’ is illustrative over here. Lord Krishna is also the protector and destroyer of the universe. In this Shloka, He said- ‘Know that I caused all of this. Know also, that I am not the doer.’

How come? He answers this in the next Shloka: