
For Eternal Beginners

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एवम् ज्ञात्वा कृतम् कर्म पूर्वैरपि मुमुक्षुभिः ।
कुरु कर्मैव तस्मात् त्वम् पूर्वैः पूर्वतरम् कृतम् ॥ १५ ॥

evam jJAtvA kRtam karma pUrvairapi mumukSubhiH |
kuru karmaiva tasmAt tvam pUrvaiH pUrvataram kRtam || 15 ||

एवम् ज्ञात्वा [evam jJAtvA] Knowing this, कर्म कृतम् [karma kRtam] work was performed मुमुक्षुभिः [mumukSubhiH] was practiced by people who wanted moksha पूर्वैः अपि [pUrvaiH api] generations ago. तस्मात् [tasmAt] Hence, त्वम् [tvam] you कुरु [kuru] practice पूर्वतरम् [pUrvataram] this ancient and well-established कर्म एव [karma eva] way of working as well, पूर्वैः कृतम् [pUrvaiH kRtam] just as your fore-fathers had done before you.

People who sought moksha knew me in this way during ancient times. They were freed from fault and worked without attachments, in the manner described before . In the same way, know My true form and abandon your faults too. Like Vivasvan and Manu, practice the ancient technique of working without being driven by desire- as I’ve already described previously.

In the next Shloka, He says that it’s very difficult to know the true nature of activity, the elaboration of which follows later.