
For Eternal Beginners

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किम् कर्म किम् अकर्मेति कवयोऽप्यत्र मोहिताः ।
तत्ते कर्म प्रवक्ष्यामि यत् ज्ञात्वा मोक्ष्यसे अशुभात् ॥ १६ ॥

kim karma kim akarmeti kavayo'pyatra mohitAH |
tatte karma pravakSyAmi yat jJAtvA mokSyase azubhAt || 16 ||

किम् कर्म [kim karma] What is activity? किम् अकर्म [kim akarma] What’s being free from activity? अत्र [atra] In this regard, कवयः अपि [kavayaH api] even learned people मोहिताः [mohitAH] are confused. ते प्रवक्ष्यामि [te pravakSyAmi] I will tell you तत् कर्म [tat karma] that kind of activity, यत् ज्ञात्वा [yat jJAtvA] knowing which, मोक्ष्यसे [mokSyase] you will be freed from अशुभात् [azubhAt] the unpleasant.

Given that we’re trapped by our experience, where does activity figure?

What’s the nature of work done by a person who wants to achieve moksha ? What does it mean to be free from activity?

Being free from activity is to know the true nature of the Self. The Self initiates activity. Even the wise are confused about the activities to pursue and the knowledge embedded in such activity.

I will now tell you about these activities and the knowledge embedded in them. By knowing them and practicing them, you will be freed from the bonds of the world. This knowledge and practice will lead you to work towards moksha . That itself is the ultimate reward.

Be active without being driven by desire. Be liberated from the burden of expectations.

Why is this so difficult to realize? He explains this in the next Shloka.