
For Eternal Beginners

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श्रोत्रादीन् ईन्द्रियाण्यन्ये सम्यमाग्निषु जुह्वति ।
शब्दादीन् विषयान् अन्ये इन्द्रियाग्निषु जुह्वति ॥ २६ ॥

zrotrAdIn IndriyANyanye samyamAgniSu juhvati |
zabdAdIn viSayAn anye indriyAgniSu juhvati || 26 ||

अन्ये [anye] Others जुह्वति [juhvati] sacrifice श्रोत्रादीन् इन्द्रियाणि [zrotrAdIn indriyANi] their organs such as hearing सम्यमाग्निषु [samyamAgniSu] in the fire of self-control. अन्ये [anye] Yet others जुह्वति [juhvati] sacrifice शब्दादीन् [zabdAdIn] stimuli such as sound इन्द्रियाग्निषु [indriyAgniSu] in the fire of the sense organs.

Others apply themselves to the art of restraining the sense organs such as the ears and the eyes. Yet others involve in the practice of removing the inclination of the sense organs towards stimuli such as sound.