
For Eternal Beginners

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सर्वाणीन्द्रिय कर्माणि प्राण कर्माणि चापरे ।
आत्म सम्यम योगाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञान दीपिते ॥ २७ ॥

sarvANIndriya karmANi prANa karmANi cApare |
Atma samyama yogAgnau juhvati jJAna dIpite || 27 ||

अपरे [apare] Yet others जुह्वति [juhvati] sacrifice सर्वाणि इन्द्रिय कर्माणि [sarvANi indriya karmANi] all the actions of their organs प्राण कर्माणि च [prANa karmANi ca] and involuntary actions to sustain life आत्म सम्यम योगाग्नौ [Atma samyama yogAgnau] in the fire of self-control, ज्ञान दीपिते [jJAna dIpite] which shines with the brilliance of knowledge.

Worship is to remove the pre-occupation with the material world.

Yet others burn all activities of their sense organs, as well as involuntary actions such as breathing, in the control of the mind. This ‘control of the mind’ is like a fire that shines bright with the light of knowledge. They strive to free the mind from its pre-occupation with voluntary actions of their organs, as well as involuntary actions such as breathing.