For Eternal Beginners
अपाने जुह्वति प्राणम् प्राणे अपानम् तथापरे ।
प्राणापान गती रुद्ध्वा प्राणायाम परायणाः ॥ २९ ॥
अपरे नियताहाराः प्राणान् प्राणेषु जुह्वति ।
apAne juhvati prANam prANe apAnam tathApare |
prANApAna gatI ruddhvA prANAyAma parAyaNAH || 29 ||
apare niyatAhArAH prANAn prANeSu juhvati |
अपरे प्राणायाम परायणाः
[apare prANAyAma parAyaNAH]
Others who pursue the regulation of their breath नियताहाराः
regulate the intake of food अपाने जुह्वति प्राणम्
[apAne juhvati prANam]
and give their breath as an offering in the process of exhalation. तथा
Yet others प्राणे अपानम्
[prANe apAnam]
offer their breath in the process of inhalation. अपरे
Others प्राणापान गती रुद्ध्वा
[prANApAna gatI ruddhvA]
restrict the rate of inhalation and exhalation प्राणेषु प्राणान् जुह्वति
[prANeSu prANAn juhvati]
and offer the activities needed for sustenance of life to those activities themselves.
Others who practice [
] achieve excellence through the technique of breath control –
. These people are of three types:
People who give up the intake of breath in its outflow, as an offering are called
. Those who give up the outflow in the intake are called
. Those who restrict the rate of intake and outflow of breath are called
; they leave life-sustaining activities in their breath itself.
All of them regulate their intake of food as well.