
For Eternal Beginners

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श्रेयान् द्रव्य मयात् यज्ञात् ज्ञानयज्ञः परन्तप ।
सर्वम् कर्माखिलम् पार्थ ज्ञाने परिसमाप्यते ॥ ३३ ॥

zreyAn dravya mayAt yajJAt jJAnayajJaH parantapa |
sarvam karmAkhilam pArtha jJAne parisamApyate || 33 ||

परन्तप [parantapa] Arjuna, ज्ञानयज्ञः [jJAnayajJaH] the knowledge embedded in worship श्रेयान् [zreyAn] is more significant द्रव्य मयात् यज्ञात् [dravya mayAt yajJAt] than worship that’s full of material offerings. पार्थ [pArtha] Arjuna, सर्वम् कर्म [sarvam karma] every activity, अखिलम् [akhilam] without exception, परिसमाप्यते [parisamApyate] culminates ज्ञाने [jJAne] in knowledge.

In each activity, recognize the Self and its relationship with the Lord.

Activity can be seen in two faces: One that is full of material things and another that is full of knowledge. Among these, the form that is full of knowledge is by far the more significant. Every activity culminates in knowledge, along with everything else that’s included in it.

The phrase ‘everything else’ in the commentary here includes all the happenings and experiences that we receive with activity.

This knowledge is available in all endeavors. Practice and recognize it in all activity. When it is practiced in this way, in time, it will lead us to the ultimate goal of Moksha .