
For Eternal Beginners

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तद्विद्धि प्रणिपातेन परिप्रश्नेन सेवया ।
उपदेक्ष्यन्ति ते ज्ञानम् ज्ञानिनः तत्त्व दर्शिनः ॥ ३४ ॥

tadviddhi praNipAtena paripraznena sevayA |
upadekSyanti te jJAnam jJAninaH tattva darzinaH || 34 ||

तत् विद्धि [tat viddhi] Know this प्रणिपातेन [praNipAtena] by surrendering, परि प्रश्नेन [pari praznena] by cross questioning, सेवया [sevayA] by rendering service and by listening to a teacher. ज्ञानिनः [jJAninaH] Those who know तत्त्व दर्शिनः [tattva darzinaH] and show the way उपदेक्ष्यन्ति [upadekSyanti] will preach ज्ञानम् [jJAnam] this knowledge ते [te] to you.

The Lord continues- I described the Self, starting with ‘Know that the Self is indestructible’ (2-17), ending with ‘This learning about the knowledge of the Self has been given to you’ (2-39). By continuously working with this knowledge, your maturity will progress over time. Gain clarity on this subject from wise people regularly, in accordance with the maturity you achieve. Do this by giving yourself to those who know, by questioning them and by serving them. They will see your intention and teach the knowledge to you, being inspired by your eagerness to know.

Next, He describes this knowledge of the Self – in its true form, how it would look once it is realized.