
For Eternal Beginners

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यत् ज्ञात्वा न पुनर्मोहम् एवम् यास्यसि पान्दव ।
येन भूतान्यशेषेण द्रक्ष्यसि आत्मन्यथो मयि ॥ ३५ ॥

yat jJAtvA na punarmoham evam yAsyasi pAndava |
yena bhUtAnyazeSeNa drakSyasi Atmanyatho mayi || 35 ||

पान्दव [pAndava] Arjuna, यत् ज्ञात्वा [yat jJAtvA] after knowing this, एवम् मोहन् न यास्यसि [evam mohan na yAsyasi] you will never be confused in this way again. येन [yena] With this knowledge, द्रक्ष्यसि [drakSyasi] you will see भूतानि अशेषेण [bhUtAni azeSeNa] all beings, without exception आत्मनि [Atmani] within your Self, अथो मयि [atho mayi] and then in Me.

The Lord tells Arjuna: You are deluded right now, thinking that your body is your Self and falling for the resultant feeling of possessiveness. You will not get deluded after knowing the true nature of the Self.

With this knowledge, you will see all beings– including those we call as humans and gods– within your Self. That’s because all beings, when detached from the material environment, have a form that consists of knowledge alone. That includes you. In this way, all beings are equivalent. The nature of the Self is always the same when it is freed from the limitations of associating with the environment. This fact is stated again in (5-19): ‘Freed from all these limitations, the Self is equivalent in nature to the Lord. Hence, they are situated within the Lord’.

In this way, you will see all beings in Me without any exception. Due to the fact that the Self in each being is equivalent in nature to the Lord, it is totally flawless, as said in (Chap14#2): ‘Having gained this knowledge, they achieve My characteristics’.

It is also stated in मुंडक उपनिशद् ३-१-३ [muMDaka upanizad 3-1-3] : ‘Having gained this knowledge, a person will give up his good and bad deeds, become flawless and achieve the ultimate equality’. In this way, the various scriptures illustrate that the Self, when freed from everything that has a name, attains a form that’s equivalent to the Lord.

When freed from the material environment, the Self in every being is alike and equivalent in nature to the Lord.