
For Eternal Beginners

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अज्ञश्च अश्रद्दधानश्च सम्शयात्मा विनश्यति ।
नायम् लोकोऽस्ति न परो न सुखम् सम्शयात्मनः ॥ ४० ॥

ajJazca azraddadhAnazca samzayAtmA vinazyati |
nAyam loko'sti na paro na sukham samzayAtmanaH || 40 ||

अज्ञश्च [ajJazca] A person without this knowledge, सम्शयात्मा [samzayAtmA] who has suspicion in his mind अश्रद्दधानश्च [azraddadhAnazca] and is not dedicated विनश्यति [vinazyati] will perish. अयम् लोकः नास्ति [ayam lokaH nAsti] He is not eligible for anything in this world न परः [na paraH] nor in any other world.

A person who doesn’t have this knowledge or its instruction and is not dedicated wouldn’t make haste to consolidate the awareness that has been preached. Such a person is suspicious about this knowledge and will be wasted. This world is not for such a person, who is suspicious about the knowledge of the Self, as explained already. Neither is any other world suited for him. To elaborate, even material goals related to a person’s duties, wealth or desires in life will not be achieved – let alone moksha .

All objects of human pursuit are achieved by working with awareness. Goals resulting from such awareness are complete with the conviction that the Self within us is separate from our body. Hence, when a person is suspicious about the Self, he does not experience even a little happiness.