
For Eternal Beginners

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योग संन्यस्त कर्माणम् ज्ञान सन्छिन्न सम्शयम् ।
आत्मवन्तम् न कर्माणि निबध्नन्ति धनन्जय ॥ ४१ ॥

yoga saMnyasta karmANam jJAna sanchinna samzayam |
Atmavantam na karmANi nibadhnanti dhananjaya || 41 ||

धनन्जय [dhananjaya] Arjuna, कर्माणि [karmANi] activities न निबध्नन्ति [na nibadhnanti] do not limit योग संन्यस्त कर्माणम् [yoga saMnyasta karmANam] a person who is free from possessiveness towards his work. ज्ञान सन्छिन्न सम्शयम् [jJAna sanchinna samzayam] With the knowledge of the Self, such a person is rid of doubts आत्मवन्तम् [Atmavantam] and stays focused on the Self.

By working without being driven by attachments, as described before, a person is free from all feelings of possessiveness towards his work. The knowledge of the Self is embedded in such work. With this knowledge, he gets rid of all doubts concerning the Self. He is totally focused on the Self with a very determined mind to support that focus. The endless deeds committed since ancient times, which collectively cause our worldly limitations, do not cling to him.