
For Eternal Beginners

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जन्म कर्म च मे दिव्यम् एवम् यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।
त्यक्त्वा देहम् पुनर्जन्म नैति मामेति सः अर्जुन ॥ ९ ॥

janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvataH |
tyaktvA deham punarjanma naiti mAmeti saH arjuna || 9 ||

अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna, मे [me] my जन्म कर्म च [janma karma ca] birth and deeds दिव्यम् [divyam] are beyond the influences of this world. यः [yaH] Whoever वेत्ति [vetti] knows this fact एवम् [evam] in this way, तत्त्वतः [tattvataH] in its real sense, सः नैति [saH naiti] will not end up पुनर्जन्म [punarjanma] in another birth. मामेति [mAmeti] He will attain Me.

My birth is not subject to the three qualities embedded in nature- Unlike ordinary beings, who accumulate these qualities through their deeds and are born according to them. I retain all My auspicious qualities even when I am born- I am the Lord of everything, I know everything, My purpose is always fulfilled. I take birth with the intention of protecting the virtuous and with the intention of letting all beings take refuge in Me. My birth and deeds are beyond the influences of this world. A person who realizes this unique nature of my birth and deeds will not be born again after discarding his present body. This person will attain Me.

By knowing the real nature of My birth and deeds, which are beyond the influence of the world, all obstacles to take refuge in Me are destroyed. The person will take refuge in Me in his present life itself, as described before- having Me as the only desire, having Me alone in his consciousness. He will attain Me without fail.