
For Eternal Beginners

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अर्जुन उवाच -
संन्यासम् कर्मणाम् कृष्ण पुनर्योगम् च शम्ससि ।
यच्छ्रेय एतयोरेकम् तन्मे ब्रूहि सुनिश्चितम् ॥ १ ॥

arjuna uvAca -
saMnyAsam karmaNAm kRSNa punaryogam ca zamsasi |
yacchreya etayorekam tanme brUhi sunizcitam || 1 ||

अर्जुन उवाच [arjuna uvAca] Arjuna says: कृष्ण [kRSNa] O Krishna, शम्ससि [zamsasi] You recommend कर्मणाम् संन्यासम् [karmaNAm saMnyAsam] giving up actions. पुनः [punaH] You also योगम् च [yogam ca] recommend determined and skillful action, without being driven by attachments. एतयोः [etayoH] Among these two paths, यत् श्रेयः [yat zreyaH] which one is preferred? तत् मे ब्रूहि सुनिश्चितम् [tat me brUhi sunizcitam] Tell that to me clearly.

Arjuna said to Krishna: You recommend giving up the activities of our organs and focusing on knowledge (2-55). Then, you recommend activities that are free of attachments.

Isn’t it easier to realize the Self by contemplation, instead of doing all kinds of activities?

To elaborate: In the second chapter, it was said that the starting point for a person who wishes to achieve moksha is to work without being driven by desire. By working in this manner, we get rid of our faults, after which we are able to contemplate our Self. Then, in the third and fourth chapters, it is said that activity is preferred even for a person who is able to contemplate exclusively. Further, You said that activity without attachments – purely done as worship to the Lord – in itself is the way to realize the Self, without having to contemplate exclusively. In this way, You advocated such activity.

Tell me which one of these is preferred: Contemplating the Self while giving up activity? Or working without being driven by attachments? Which is the easier and quicker way to realize the Self?