
For Eternal Beginners

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न कर्तृत्वव्म् न कर्माणि लोकस्य सृजति प्रभुः ।
न कर्म फल सम्योगम् स्वभावस्तु प्रवर्तते ॥ १४ ॥

na kartRtvavm na karmANi lokasya sRjati prabhuH |
na karma phala samyogam svabhAvastu pravartate || 14 ||

प्रभुः [prabhuH] The Self न सृजति [na sRjati] does not create कर्तृत्वम् [kartRtvam] the impression of making things happen, लोकस्य [lokasya] an impression associated with this material world. कर्माणि न [karmANi na] Neither does it create the actions of this material world, न कर्म फल सम्योगम् [na karma phala samyogam] nor the impression that outcomes are inseparably linked with these actions. स्वभावस्तु [svabhAvastu] The nature of this material world प्रवर्तते [pravartate] prevails.

Happenings and asymmetry belong in the environment.

By its very nature, the Self is free of the influence of actions. It does not manufacture the impression of making things happen, which is associated with this world of humans, gods , animals and inanimate things. Neither does it make the actions of this world, nor the outcomes that are apparently linked to the actions – both of which are not within its inherent nature. Then who is it that creates them?

He says ‘It naturally prevails’: Here, the word ‘naturally’ refers to the notions created by nature. Various actions committed since ancient times have generated our association with our bodies and the nature around us. This generates an opinion that our body itself is our Self. Under the influence of this opinion, the impression that ‘I make things happen’ is born, along with the attachment to our deeds. It is not born out of the inherent nature of the Self.