
For Eternal Beginners

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तत् बुद्धयः तदात्मानः तन्निष्ठाः तत्परायणाः ।
गच्छन्ति अपुनरावृत्तिम् ज्ञान निर्धूत कल्मषाः ॥ १७ ॥

tat buddhayaH tadAtmAnaH tanniSThAH tatparAyaNAH |
gacchanti apunarAvRttim jJAna nirdhUta kalmaSAH || 17 ||

ज्ञान निर्धूत कल्मषाः [jJAna nirdhUta kalmaSAH] While being deprived of the state of ultimate knowledge, while being flawed, तत् बुद्धयः [tat buddhayaH] those who have dedicated their intellect, तदात्मानः [tadAtmAnaH] who dedicate their thoughts​ तन्निष्ठाः [tanniSThAH] to fully believe in the goal, तत्परायणाः [tatparAyaNAH] considering their goal to be supreme - अपुनरावृत्तिम् गच्छन्ति [apunarAvRttim gacchanti] they will reach that state, from which they will not fall again.

Those who have dedicated their intellect to realize the Self, who have focused their thoughts and mind on the Self, who dedicate themselves to work towards the realization of the Self, who believe that the realization of the Self is the ultimate goal to achieve – they realize the Self – this is a state of being, from which there is no possibility to fall back. They have reached a state where their Self is situated in its true form.

When ignorance is gone, we see all beings as being equal, equally related to the Lord.