
For Eternal Beginners

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विद्या विनय सम्पन्ने भाह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि ।
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पन्दिताः सम दर्शिनः ॥ १८ ॥

vidyA vinaya sampanne bhAhmaNe gavi hastini |
zuni caiva zvapAke ca panditAH sama darzinaH || 18 ||

पन्दिताः [panditAH] People who know the true nature of the Self सम दर्शिनः [sama darzinaH] see equality विद्या विनय सम्पन्ने [vidyA vinaya sampanne] in a person who is endowed with knowledge and humility, भाह्मणे [bhAhmaNe] in someone who is just a Brahmin, गवि [gavi] in a cow, हस्तिनि [hastini] in an elephant, शुनि चैव [zuni caiva] even in a dog श्वपाके च [zvapAke ca] and even in a person who eats the meat of a dog.

People who know the true nature of the Self will see equality in various beings, by virtue of the Self having a form that’s pure and infinite knowledge. The various beings have unequal, disagreeable or incongruous forms – such as a person with knowledge and humility, or a mere Brahmin, or a cow, or an elephant, or even a dog or a person who eats the meat of a dog. These various forms are due to the effects of nature. It does not arise out of the nature of the Self. By virtue of having a form that’s pure and infinite knowledge, the Self is equivalent in everyone. People who have realized the true nature of the Self know this.