
For Eternal Beginners

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श्री भगवान् उवाच -
संन्यासः कर्मयोगश्च निश्श्रेय सकरौ उभौ ।
तयोस्तु कर्म संन्यासात् कर्मयोगो विशिष्यते ॥ २ ॥

zrI bhagavAn uvAca -
saMnyAsaH karmayogazca nizzreya sakarau ubhau |
tayostu karma saMnyAsAt karmayogo viziSyate || 2 ||

श्री भगवान् उवाच [zrI bhagavAn uvAca] Lord Krishna said- उभौ [ubhau] Both techniques- संन्यासः [saMnyAsaH] giving up actions [ca] and कर्मयोगः [karmayogaH] working without being driven by attachments - निश्श्रेय सकरौ [nizzreya sakarau] lead to moksha . तयोस्तु [tayostu] Among them, कर्मयोगः [karmayogaH] work that’s not driven by desire विशिष्यते [viziSyate] stands out कर्म संन्यासात् [karma saMnyAsAt] in preference to giving up work itself.

The Lord said – Liberation is achieved by either technique – by contemplating without any activity, or by activity that’s not driven by attachments. The latter is available even for a person who is able to contemplate exclusively. These techniques do not need any other support or accessories.

Among them, working without attachment is definitely preferred.

How come? This is explained in the next Shloka.