
For Eternal Beginners

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न प्रहृष्येत् प्रियम् प्राप्य न उद्विजेत् प्राप्य चाप्रिअम् ।
स्थिर बुद्धिर् असम्मूढो ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मणि स्थितः ॥२० ॥

na prahRSyet priyam prApya na udvijet prApya cApriam |
sthira buddhir asammUDho brahmavid brahmaNi sthitaH ||20 ||

न प्रहृष्येत् [na prahRSyet] He doesn’t​ get excited प्रियम् प्राप्य [priyam prApya] on obtaining something he likes न उद्विजेत् च [na udvijet ca] and doesn’t​ get agitated अप्रियम् प्राप्य [apriyam prApya] on getting something he does not like. स्थिर बुद्धिः [sthira buddhiH] His intellect is firm असम्मूढः [asammUDhaH] and he does not get confused. ब्रह्मवित् [brahmavit] He knows the nature of the Self and the Lord. ब्रह्मणि स्थितः [brahmaNi sthitaH] He is situated in the quest for the Self.

Due to notions created due to our past deeds, the situations in which we find our body turn out to be pleasant or unpleasant. You must not get excited, or get agitated over these experiences.

How is this possible? Through a firm intellect – focus your intellect on the Self. By this, you will be free of the confusion that the ever-changing body and the unchanging Self are the same. How is that possible? Know the nature of the Self and the Lord through instruction. Be dedicated to the practice of realizing the Self.

To summarize: Get instruction about the true nature of the Self from people who know the facts. Be dedicated to the realization of this Self. Give up the impression that the body is your Self. Be situated in the discovery of the unchanging Self – an experience that is fulfilling. Do not get excited, or get agitated over pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the ever-changing environment.