
For Eternal Beginners

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बाह्य स्पर्शेषु असक्तात्मा विन्दत्यात्मनि यः सुखम् ।
स ब्रह्मयोग युक्तात्मा सुखम् अक्षयम् अश्नुते ॥ २१ ॥

bAhya sparzeSu asaktAtmA vindatyAtmani yaH sukham |
sa brahmayoga yuktAtmA sukham akSayam aznute || 21 ||

यः सुखम् विन्दति [yaH sukham vindati] The one who derives fulfillment आत्मनि [Atmani] in the Self, असक्तात्मा [asaktAtmA] while remaining disinterested बाह्य स्पर्शेषु [bAhya sparzeSu] in external stimuli - सः ब्रह्मयोग युक्तात्मा [saH brahmayoga yuktAtmA] he will have focus in the quest for the Self and the Lord अश्नुते [aznute] and will enjoy अक्षयम् [akSayam] un-ending सुखम् [sukham] joy.

As said before, the person who derives fulfillment in the Self will attain joy. He isn’t interested in experiencing material enjoyments that are not related to the Self. He throws away the tendency to be swayed by the environment. His mind stays focused on the quest for the Self and the Lord. He will attain unlimited joy in the experience of the Self.

The joy in the Self is beyond any enjoyment dictated by our preferences and aversions.

In the next Shloka, He explains that it’s easily possible to give up the enjoyment offered by the material world.