
For Eternal Beginners

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ये हि सम्स्पर्शजा भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते ।
आद्यन्तवन्तः कौन्तेय न तेषु रमते बुधः ॥ २२ ॥

ye hi samsparzajA bhogA duHkhayonaya eva te |
AdyantavantaH kaunteya na teSu ramate budhaH || 22 ||

कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, ये सम्स्पर्शजा भोगाः [ye samsparzajA bhogAH] those enjoyments that are born out of stimuli supplied to the sense organs ते दुःखयोनय एव [te duHkhayonaya eva] will inevitably lead to difficulties. आद्यन्तवन्तः [AdyantavantaH] They have a beginning and an end. बुधः [budhaH] The person who knows their true nature न रमते [na ramate] will not indulge तेषु [teSu] in them.

Enjoyments that result when our organs come in contact with the material world will ultimately lead to difficulties. They have a beginning and an end – they are always experienced only for a limited period of time. The person who knows their true nature does not indulge in them.