
For Eternal Beginners

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काम क्रोध वियुक्तानाम् यतीनाम् यतचेतसाम् ।
अभितो ब्रह्म निर्वाणम् वर्तते विजितात्मनाम् ॥ २६ ॥

kAma krodha viyuktAnAm yatInAm yatacetasAm |
abhito brahma nirvANam vartate vijitAtmanAm || 26 ||

ब्रह्म निर्वाणम् [brahma nirvANam] The joy of experiencing the Self and the Lord वर्तते [vartate] stays अभितः [abhitaH] with काम क्रोध वियुक्तानाम् [kAma krodha viyuktAnAm] people who disengage from desire and anger, यतीनाम् [yatInAm] who strive to realize the Self, यतचेतसाम् [yatacetasAm] who have gained control over their consciousness विजितात्मनाम् [vijitAtmanAm] and who have conquered their mind.

The joy of experiencing the Self and the Lord is in the hands of people who are free from the effects of desire and anger. They are committed in their quest to realize the Self. They have conquered their own mind and have gained control over their consciousness.

Next, He summarizes the technique of working without being driven by desire, which was described till now. It is the preferred technique to realize our goal.