
For Eternal Beginners

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साङ्ख्य योगौ पृथक् बालाः प्रवदन्ति न पन्दिताः ।
एकम् अप्यास्थितः सम्यक् उभयोर् विन्दते फलम् ॥ ४ ॥

sAGkhya yogau pRthak bAlAH pravadanti na panditAH |
ekam apyAsthitaH samyak ubhayor vindate phalam || 4 ||

बालाः [bAlAH] Naïve people प्रवदन्ति [pravadanti] say that साङ्ख्य योगौ [sAGkhya yogau] the two techniques – Knowing by contemplation and the technique of working independent of desire - पृथक् [pRthak] are different in terms of the results they yield. पन्दिताः न [panditAH na] Learned people do not say that. सम्यक् आस्थितः [samyak AsthitaH] A person who properly practices उभयोः एकम् अपि [ubhayoH ekam api] any one among the two फलम् विन्दते [phalam vindate] will obtain the result.

Naïve people proclaim the difference between the knowledge of the Self and the technique of working without being driven. They are naïve in the sense that they do not know reality in its true form. They haven’t learnt it and definitely don’t know everything. They have a misconception that working without attachment merely enables a person to contemplate the Self. They are mistaken that contemplation is the only way to realize the true nature of the Self.

In reality, both techniques yield the same result – the realization of the true nature of the Self. Practicing any one of them will yield that realization.

In the next Shloka, He elaborates the same thing: