
For Eternal Beginners

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यत्साङ्ख्यैः प्राप्यते स्थानम् तत् योगैरपि गम्यते ।
एकम् साङ्ख्यम् च योगम् च यः पश्यति स पश्यति ॥ ५ ॥

yatsAGkhyaiH prApyate sthAnam tat yogairapi gamyate |
ekam sAGkhyam ca yogam ca yaH pazyati sa pazyati || 5 ||

यत् स्थानम् प्राप्यते [yat sthAnam prApyate] The state of Self-realization gained साङ्ख्यैः [sAGkhyaiH] by people who contemplate exclusively योगैरपि तत् गम्यते [yogairapi tat gamyate] is also reached by people who work without being driven . यः पश्यति [yaH pazyati] The one who sees साङ्ख्यम् च योगम् च [sAGkhyam ca yogam ca] both of them एकम् [ekam] as one स पश्यति [sa pazyati] is the person who realizes.

Those who contemplate exclusively will reach the state of Self-realization at the end of their quest. The same Self-realization is obtained by people who work without being driven by desire. In this way, a wise person sees these two options of [ jnAnayOga ] and [ karmayOga ] as being the same – by virtue of having the same destination.

Next, he explains the specialty of each technique.