
For Eternal Beginners

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संन्यासस्तु महाबाहो दुःखम् आप्तुम् अयोगतः ।
योगयुक्तो मुनिर् ब्रह्म न चिरेण अधिगच्छति ॥ ६ ॥

saMnyAsastu mahAbAho duHkham Aptum ayogataH |
yogayukto munir brahma na cireNa adhigacchati || 6 ||

महाबाहो [mahAbAho] Arjuna, संन्यासः तु [saMnyAsaH tu] giving up everything else to contemplate exclusively दुःखम् [duHkham] is extremely difficult आप्तुम् [Aptum] to achieve अयोगतः [ayogataH] without activity. योगयुक्तः [yogayuktaH] A person who works without being driven by desire, मुनिः [muniH] who has the intention to realize the Self, अधिगच्छति [adhigacchati] will realize ब्रह्म [brahma] the true nature of the Self न चिरेण [na cireNa] without delay.

It isn’t possible to give up everything else in exclusive contemplation , without working independent of desire. On the other hand, a person who is intent on realizing the Self, who is focused on working without being driven by desires – will easily realize the Self without delay.

A person who attempts to contemplate the true nature of the Self exclusively would experience extreme difficulty. Due to this difficulty, he would take a very long time to realize the Self.