
For Eternal Beginners

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योगयुक्तो विशुद्धात्मा विजितात्मा जितेन्द्रियः ।
सर्व भूतात्म भूतात्मा कुर्वन्नपि न लिप्यते ॥ ७ ॥

yogayukto vizuddhAtmA vijitAtmA jitendriyaH |
sarva bhUtAtma bhUtAtmA kurvannapi na lipyate || 7 ||

योगयुक्तः [yogayuktaH] A person who has dedicated himself to work without being driven by desire विशुद्धात्मा [vizuddhAtmA] purifies himself, विजितात्मा [vijitAtmA] conquers his mind जितेन्द्रियः [jitendriyaH] and keeps his organs under control. सर्वभूत आत्म भूतात्मा [sarvabhUta Atma bhUtAtmA] He considers the Self that’s present in all beings as being equal to his own Self न लिप्यते [na lipyate] and is not stuck to anything, कुर्वन्नपि [kurvannapi] even though he keeps doing his work.

A person who is dedicated to working independent of desire isn’t stuck to his deeds, even though he is involved in doing them. What is the state of such a person? How come the deeds don’t stick to him? That is explained here.

The Self in every person is identical. It doesn’t make anything happen.

Such a person works free from the influence of desire. His activities are done purely as worship to the Lord, as described in the scriptures. With that, his mind is purified – it is not under the control of various desires. In this way, he gains control over himself. He has conquered his mind easily, by keeping it engaged and focused on his own work. With this, he easily keeps his organs under control.

He dedicates himself to an inquiry into the true nature of the Self, which is the author of actions. Due to this dedication, he realizes that the Self within himself is of the same nature as the ‘Self’ that’s present in everyone. The non-uniform effects of nature result in the variety of beings that we see. These cannot indicate that a different form of the Self exists in everyone. When the Self is freed of the influence of nature, it has identical form inside everybody. This is elaborated in one of the next Shlokas (5-19).

Being in this state, this person does not get stuck with the idea that something that’s not the Self, is actually the Self. In this way he quickly realizes the Self. Thus, activity is easier and faster than contemplation and is definitely preferred.

Now listen to what’s needed to apply the technique of working without being driven.