
For Eternal Beginners

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5-8 to 5-9

नैव किन्चित् करोमीति युक्तो मन्येत तत्ववित् ।
पश्यन् शृण्वन् स्पृशन् जिघ्रन् अश्नन् गच्छन् स्वपन् श्वसन् ॥ ८ ॥
प्रलपन् विसृजन् गृह्णन् उन्मिषन् निमिषन्नपि ।
इन्द्रियाणि इन्द्रियार्थेषु वर्तन्त इति धारयन् ॥ ९ ॥

naiva kincit karomIti yukto manyeta tatvavit |
pazyan zRNvan spRzan jighran aznan gacchan svapan zvasan || 8 ||
pralapan visRjan gRhNan unmiSan nimiSannapi |
indriyANi indriyArtheSu vartanta iti dhArayan || 9 ||

तत्ववित् [tatvavit] A person who knows the nature of the Self, युक्तः [yuktaH] who has dedicated himself to worship to the Lord with activity धारयन् [dhArayan] will consider that इन्द्रियाणि [indriyANi] his organs वर्तन्त [vartanta] will remain among इन्द्रियार्थेषु [indriyArtheSu] things that stimulate them, मन्येत [manyeta] and knows that नैव किन्चित् करोमि [naiva kincit karomi] ‘I do not do anything’ पश्यन् [pazyan] while seeing, शृण्वव्न् [zRNvavn] hearing, स्पृशन् [spRzan] touching, जिघ्रन् [jighran] smelling, अश्नन् [aznan] eating, गच्छन् [gacchan] moving around, स्वव्पन् [svavpan] sleeping, श्वसन् [zvasan] breathing, प्रलपन् [pralapan] talking, विस्र्’जन् [visr’jan] letting go, गृह्णन् [gRhNan] holding, उन्मिषन् [unmiSan] when his eyes are open निमिषन् अपि [nimiSan api] and when they are shut.

In this way, a person who knows the Self will consider that all organs of the body will be among the objects sensed and perceived by them. This includes sensory organs such as the ears, organs of action such as those associated with speech and organs involved in involuntary activities. This person knows that ‘I do not make anything happen’.

The illusion that we make things happen is a result of our past deeds.

The belief that ‘I am the one who makes it happen’ arises out of the association with our organs and actions required to sustain ourselves. This association is a result of our past deeds. It is not our inherent nature. Our innate characteristic is that of pure knowledge and knowledge alone.