
For Eternal Beginners

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6-13 to 6-14

समम् काय शिरोग्रीवम् धारयन् अचलम् स्थिरम् ।
सम्प्रेक्ष्य नासिकाग्रम् स्वम् दिशश्च अनवलोकयन् ॥ १३ ॥
प्रशान्तात्मा विगत भीः ब्रह्मचारि व्रते स्थितः ।
मनस्सम्यम्य मच्चित्तो युक्त आसीत मत्परः ॥ १४ ॥

samam kAya zirogrIvam dhArayan acalam sthiram |
samprekSya nAsikAgram svam dizazca anavalokayan || 13 ||
prazAntAtmA vigata bhIH brahmacAri vrate sthitaH |
manassamyamya maccitto yukta AsIta matparaH || 14 ||

धारयन् [dhArayan] Keeping काय [kAya] the body, शिरः [ziraH] the head ग्रीवव्म् [grIvavm] and the neck समम् [samam] in line, स्थिरम् [sthiram] stable, अचलम् [acalam] without changing position, सम्प्रेक्ष्य [samprekSya] looking at the नासिकाग्रम् [nAsikAgram] uppermost part of his nose, दिशश्च अनवलोकयन् [dizazca anavalokayan] without looking in different directions, प्रशान्तात्मा [prazAntAtmA] with a peaceful mind, विगत भीः [vigata bhIH] without being afraid of anything, ब्रह्मचारि व्रते स्थितः [brahmacAri vrate sthitaH] situated in the vow of celibacy, मनस्सम्यम्य [manassamyamya] keeping his mind under control, मच्चित्तः [maccittaH] with the consciousness dedicated to Me, युक्त आसीत [yukta AsIta] a person must remain focused on the Self, मत्परः [matparaH] knowing that I pervade everything ultimately.

Keeping the body, the head and the neck in a straight line, stable and without changing position – by virtue of having a good base for supporting an upright posture, without getting distracted in various directions, looking at the uppermost part of his nose, with the mind at peace, without being afraid of anything, standing firm in the vow of celibacy (being without infatuation), he controls the mind to focus on Me alone, being conscious to think about Me alone.