
For Eternal Beginners

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युन्जन्नेवम् सदा आत्मानम् योगी नियत मानसः ।
शान्तिम् निर्वाण परमाम् मत्सम्स्थाम् अधिगच्छति ॥ १५ ॥

yunjannevam sadA AtmAnam yogI niyata mAnasaH |
zAntim nirvANa paramAm matsamsthAm adhigacchati || 15 ||

योगि [yogi] The person who offers his work as worship to Me युन्जन् [yunjan] will fix आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] his mind एवम् [evam] in this way सदा [sadA] always. नियत मानसः [niyata mAnasaH] Controlling his mind to focus on Me, अधिगच्छति [adhigacchati] he reaches निर्वन परमाम् [nirvana paramAm] the ultimate joy शान्तिम् [zAntim] and peace मत्सम्स्थाम् [matsamsthAm] that resides in Me.

Offer your work to the Lord and be with Him constantly.

In this way, the one who practices [ karmayOga ] keeps his focus on Me, the ultimate creator, the best among all beings and a favorable abode for the mind. This person fixes his mind upon Me and does not let it waver.

Thinking about Me always, his mind has been purified by My touch – hence it stays unmoved. This person attains the ultimate joy and peace that resides in me. This joy is pure and concentrated.

In this way, the manner in which a person can begin realizing his Self was described. It was also explained how such a person can place his mind in the Lord, the ultimate purifier, who is an extremely favorable abode. Now, other instruments of this practice are described.