
For Eternal Beginners

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यदा विनियतम् चित्तम् आत्मन्येव अवतिष्ठते ।
निःस्पृहः सर्व कामेभ्यो युक्त इत्युच्यते तदा ॥ १८ ॥

yadA viniyatam cittam Atmanyeva avatiSThate |
niHspRhaH sarva kAmebhyo yukta ityucyate tadA || 18 ||

यदा [yadA] When चित्तम् [cittam] a person’s consciousness अवतिष्ठते [avatiSThate] stays विनियतम् [viniyatam] firm आत्मनि एव [Atmani eva] in the Self alone, निःस्पृहः [niHspRhaH] without attachments सर्व कामेभ्यः [sarva kAmebhyaH] towards any desires, तदा [tadA] then युक्तः इत्युच्यते [yuktaH ityucyate] the person is said to be focused and deserves to realize the Self.

The consciousness is by nature looking for benefits and outcomes. When it is stationed firmly in the Self, it is turned towards the ultimate benefit ( moksha ) and thus stays focused, unmoved. When this happens, the person stands free of attachment towards all desires.

He is said to have the focus and deserves to realize the Self.