
For Eternal Beginners

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यम् संन्यास इति प्राहुः योगम् तम् विद्धि पाण्डव ।
न हि असंन्यस्त सङ्कल्पो योगी भवति कश्चन ॥ २ ॥

yam saMnyAsa iti prAhuH yogam tam viddhi pANDava |
na hi asaMnyasta saGkalpo yogI bhavati kazcana || 2 ||

पान्दव [pAndava] Arjuna, विद्धि [viddhi] know that यम् संन्यास इति प्राहुः [yam saMnyAsa iti prAhuH] what’s called renunciation तम् योगम् [tam yogam] is activity that isn’t driven by desire. असंन्यस्त सङ्कल्पः कश्चन [asaMnyasta saGkalpaH kazcana] Anyone who doesn’t give up expectations योगी न भवति हि [yogI na bhavati hi] cannot practice such activity.

We get driven by expectations when we think that we are our body.

When you work without being driven , you contemplate the true nature of the Self. He completes the picture by saying- Anyone who doesn’t give up expectations cannot practice such activity.

A person gives up expectations when he contemplates the Self in its true form, being free of the notion that he is the body. As long as he considers himself to be something other than the Self, he mixes the Self and the body, getting attached to expectations. Such a person will not work without being driven by desire.

4-19 talks about such a person: ‘A person whose every initiative is separated from desire and expectation’.

The next Shloka says that only such activity achieves realization without misleading us.