
For Eternal Beginners

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6-20 to 6-23

यत्र उपरमते चित्तम् निरुद्धम् योग सेवया ।
यत्र चैवात्मना आत्मानम् पश्यन् आत्मनि तुष्यति ॥ २० ॥
सुखम् अत्यन्तिकम् यत्तद् बुद्धिग्राह्यम् अतीन्द्रियम् ।
वेत्ति यत्र न चैवायम् स्थितः चलति तत्त्वतः ॥ २१ ॥
यम् लब्ध्वा चापरम् लाभम् मन्यते नाधिकम् ततः ।
यस्मिन् स्थिते न दुःखेन गुरुणाऽपि विचाल्यते ॥ २२ ॥
तम् विद्यात् दुःखसम्योग वियोगम् योग सन्ज्ञितम् ।
स निश्चयेन योक्तव्यो योगोऽनिर्विण्ण चेतसा ॥ २३ ॥

yatra uparamate cittam niruddham yoga sevayA |
yatra caivAtmanA AtmAnam pazyan Atmani tuSyati || 20 ||
sukham atyantikam yattad buddhigrAhyam atIndriyam |
vetti yatra na caivAyam sthitaH calati tattvataH || 21 ||
yam labdhvA cAparam lAbham manyate nAdhikam tataH |
yasmin sthite na duHkhena guruNA'pi vicAlyate || 22 ||
tam vidyAt duHkhasamyoga viyogam yoga sanjJitam |
sa nizcayena yoktavyo yogo'nirviNNa cetasA || 23 ||

यत्र [yatra] The state of being, in which निरुद्धम् चित्तम् [niruddham cittam] the consciousness, controlled and focused योग सेवया [yoga sevayA] for the purpose of realizing the Self and the Lord उपरमते [uparamate] experiences ultimate joy, यत्र च [yatra ca] in which आत्मानम् पश्यन् [AtmAnam pazyan] the consciousness sees the Self आत्मना [AtmanA] by using the mind आत्मनि एव तुष्यति [Atmani eva tuSyati] and is content in the knowledge of the Self alone, यत्र [yatra] in which वेत्ति [vetti] it knows यत्तत् सुखम् अत्यन्तिकम् [yattat sukham atyantikam] the unparalleled joy, which बुद्धिग्राह्यम् [buddhigrAhyam] can only be grasped by knowledge अतीन्द्रियम् [atIndriyam] , being beyond the reach of the senses चैव [caiva] and indeed, अयम् [ayam] when it is स्थितः [sthitaH] situated in that state, न चलति [na calati] it does not move तत्वतः [tatvataH] from this ultimate reality. यम् लब्ध्वा च [yam labdhvA ca] Further, having attained that state, मन्यते न [manyate na] it does not consider अपरम् [aparam] other लाभम् [lAbham] benefits अधिकम् ततः [adhikam tataH] to be more valuable. यस्मिन् स्थिते [yasmin sthite] While being in this state न विचाल्यते [na vicAlyate] it does not get toppled गुरुणाऽपि [guruNA'pi] even by huge दुःखेन [duHkhena] difficulties and sorrows. विद्यात् [vidyAt] Know that तम् दुःखसम्योग वियोगम् [tam duHkhasamyoga viyogam] this state of being, which detaches you from bondage and sorrow योग सन्ज्ञितम् [yoga sanjJitam] is called ‘yoga’. स योगः [sa yogaH] This yoga योक्तव्यः [yoktavyaH] is to be practiced अनिर्विण्ण चेतसा [anirviNNa cetasA] with enthusiasm, निश्चयेन [nizcayena] without doubt.

Yoga is the realization of your Self and its intimacy with the Lord. It is a state of being.

By practicing realization , the Self stays focused and enjoys unlimited joy. In this state of being, the mind sees the Self and is satisfied in the Self alone, not being interested in other things. It knows and experiences the ultimate contentment that can only be grasped by realizing the Self. Such contentment is not grasped by the senses.

Situated in this state of being, we do not move from the ultimate reality and the unlimited joys that come with the realization of the Self.

After reaching this state of being, our only aim is to be focused on the Self and the Lord – we do not consider any other benefit to be greater than this. In this state of being, even major events that cause sorrow, such as the separation from a good son, do not shake us from our path.

Know this state of being by the name ‘yoga’. It frees us from our bondage to sorrow. Know this for sure while starting on your quest. Practice it with enthusiasm.