
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रशान्त मनसम् ह्येनम् योगिनम् सुखम् उत्तमम् ।
उपैति शान्तरजसम् ब्रह्मभूतम् अकल्मषम् ॥ २७ ॥

prazAnta manasam hyenam yoginam sukham uttamam |
upaiti zAntarajasam brahmabhUtam akalmaSam || 27 ||

सुखम् उत्तमम् [sukham uttamam] Ultimate joy उपैति हि [upaiti hi] will definitely come to एनम् योगिनम् [enam yoginam] this person, who is in the quest for the Self प्रशान्त मनसम् [prazAnta manasam] , whose mind is at peace, शान्तरजसम् [zAntarajasam] whose passions have subsided ब्रह्मभूतम् [brahmabhUtam] , who is situated in the true nature of the Self, अकल्मषम् [akalmaSam] who is rid of all his faults.

The person whose mind is at peace is the one who has his mind focused upon the Self.

With such focus, all your faults are destroyed and your passions subside. This in turn lets you be in your true nature – the nature of the Self. Ultimate joy, in the form of the experience of the Self will come to you.

The word ‘definitely’ in this Shloka is used to illustrate the cause and its effect. In summary, a person in the quest for the Self is able to keep away from materialistic passions, due to the fact that the Self is pure and unlimited joy.