
For Eternal Beginners

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एवम् युन्जन् सदात्मानम् योगी विगत कल्मषः ।
सुखेन ब्रह्म सम्स्पर्शम् अत्यन्तम् सुखम् अश्नुते ॥ २८ ॥

evam yunjan sadAtmAnam yogI vigata kalmaSaH |
sukhena brahma samsparzam atyantam sukham aznute || 28 ||

एवम् [evam] In this way, योगी [yogI] a person who works without being driven आत्मानम् युन्जन् [AtmAnam yunjan] stays in the quest for the Self. सुखेन अश्नुते [sukhena aznute] He easily experiences अत्यन्तम् सुखम् [atyantam sukham] the ultimate joy ब्रह्म सम्स्पर्शम् [brahma samsparzam] of being in touch with the Self सदा [sadA] always, विगत कल्मषः [vigata kalmaSaH] flawlessly.

In this way, a person who works independent of desire stays in the quest for the Self, as described before. In this quest, he gets rid of all the faults he has committed since time immemorial.

Once he is rid of all that baggage, he easily enjoys the unlimited joy of experiencing the Self and the Lord always.

Next, He explains that the state of a person manifests in four forms, when the quest for the Self is mature.